
What is an Incubus?

An Incubus is a lusty male demon who satisfies his sexual urges by attacking women while they sleep. These creatures might seem laughable, but they are actually quite dangerous, since they can cause unwanted pregnancies or even death.


Physical Description

Like many mythological villains, Incubi have been glamorized in recent decades. Today, they appear as young men with perfectly etched muscles, powerful wings, and long, suggestive tails—but in the past, these nocturnal fiends were far from attractive.

The original Incubi were small creatures with faces like a monkey or a gargoyle. The usually had dark skin or fur, claws, horns, and bat-like wings. When they weren’t flying through the dead of night, they crawled, climbed, and sat in hunched positions. Unsurprisingly, they also had exaggerated genitals.


Incubi are famous for their insatiable lust; these demons are so sex-crazed that their human partners can literally die of exhaustion after too many midnight trysts. Incubi can also be violent. Many victims describe the demons sitting on their chest or covering their mouths, so that they couldn’t breathe.

Special Abilities

When an Incubus arrives to have his way with a woman, he takes precautions to prevent her from interfering. He might put her in a trance, so that she is unable to wake up, or paralyze her so completely that she can’t even cry out for help.

During the encounter, the Incubus might try to impregnate the woman. Interestingly, the Incubus itself is incapable of reproducing, so it uses sperm collected from a human male. If the woman gives birth to a child, it will be a Cambion—a human with some magical or demonic abilities.

Some legends claim that the Incubus is also able to change its sex. It appears in a female shape (called a succubus) to attack human men and collect their sperm. Then, it changes back into a male shape to attack and impregnate human women.

Cultural Representation


Cultures all over the world have sexually-driven demons. Native Amazonian people believe in the Boto, a pink river dolphin that turns into a male sex maniac at night, while Chilean people believe in the Trauco, a dwarf who seduces young virgins. Swedish people tell stories of a nocturnal horse, which rides on its victims’ chests at night, while their Germanic neighbors fear the alp, who sits on young women. In South Africa, the Tokolosh stalks virgin women.

The first written record of an Incubus appears in none other than The Epic of Gilgamesh, widely considered to be the first work of fiction ever written. In Gilgamesh, the hero’s father is described as a “lilu,” a magical being who impregnates women while they are asleep.

Still, it’s impossible to say that the idea of a nocturnal, sex-demon started with Gilgamesh. These sorts of legends are so widespread that they probably arose separately, in cultures all over the world, and it’s impossible to know which one came first.

Modern Appearances

Incubi are popular in fantasy and paranormal romance genres. Stephen King, Stephanie Meyer, and Orson Scott Card have all used incubi (or sucubi) in their works of fiction. The demons have also lent their name to a popular rock band, Incubus.


Undoubtedly, Incubi were once used to cover up cases of sexual assault or rape. However, there may be a less sinister explanation for the worldwide popularity of these creatures.

A sleeping disorder, called sleep paralysis, can mimic all the signs of an Incubus encounter. Scientists estimate that 60% of people will experience sleep paralysis at least once in their life, which could explain why “Incubus attacks” were so common throughout history.

Sleep paralysis occurs when a person wakes up from REM-sleep, but their body remains in a sleep-like state. Although the person is fully conscious, his muscles remain immobile, just like they are during REM-sleep. The person might also experience pressure on his chest and a feeling of suffocation, since the body’s pulse and breathing rate is slower, as in REM-sleep. But the most terrifying symptom of all is hypnagogia, a multi-sensory hallucination which can conjure up visions, smells, sounds, and extreme emotions of fear or euphoria. With all of these symptoms put together, sleep paralysis may be the closest thing to a demonic encounter that a sane person can experience.


  1. well I don’t know if mine is a incubus since we didn’t do anything sensual ..he just visits me whenever I’m sorta sad and he makes me happy by going to different places ..he also doesn’t have a tail or wings or such..

  2. A few years back i met a neighbor who i started doing drugs( meth) n drinking and of course have alot of sex marathons. She would always put a red sheer clothe over lamp before sex for mood lite. One night durind sex i look up to see a monkey with a red vest and glasses glaring at me. At the same time all the leaves from the trees n plants around the room n out side would have dragons as leaves. It happened about 4 times and she also seen it. Wtf was it and why. Please help to explain this.

  3. When I was in college,I had an encounter with an Incubus.Before sleeping,He appeared yo me as a silhouette of a muscle man.He slowly move over my body;I couldn’t move or ask shout for help.He was trying to convince me that he is not bad and he wanted to enter my body because he needs me as his medium so he can do his unfinished business.I am a kind person,I almost let him convince me.Good thing,I had second thoughts that if I let him,he would sexually molest and possess.I was helpless.I couldn’t shout but at the midst of such danger and predicament,I remember my grandma told us that in times of catastrophes or danger,we should be praying the “I Believe”.I did even if it was only on mind.I prayedtl the “I Believe” and thank God,the incubus was driven away.So I advise/say,to those who have an encounter with an incubus,the only weapon against him is prayer.Never let incubus take away your lives and well-being.Pray and have strong faith in God.Amen.

  4. All you have to do is say no, verbally or in your mind. They will detach and leave. They may come back another time but say or think no again. The visits are less and less if you mean it. Works for me when i need it.

  5. it’s only through the blood of Jesus. Accepting Him and true repentance and rebuking the spirit. A site on youtube can help you in your deliverance. sometime you need to understand the real reason of this spirit. how it entered and how to get rid of it

  6. God help us all,to the ones that enjoys it , more power to you. In my case, it’s days and nights of he’ll. I hate everything about it and I want my life back. I’ve haven’t had sex with my husband for months, but somehow he still loves me when I can’t love myself. I pray to God that he ends it all, if that means taking me away so be it. Days and nights of living he’ll. If there is someone who knows how to end this, please help.

    • I hope everything turns out good for these people the spiritual war is still going on you just have to open your eyes and see the truth

    • I 100% relate every single day for the past year for sure but its been a few years all together and my old lady only says I m messed up in the head ive seen things heard things caught stuff on camera but I m tired of liveing this way makes me want to just shoot myself at times

  7. Incubi, and most other demons, can be repelled by prayers/scriptures of almost any religion, though the religion that the demon originates in is typically the best one to use, but there are other ways. Distilled water or collected rain water left outside under the light of a full moon, typically called moon water in Wicca or Pagan religions, creates a barrier against evil so spraying some on/around your windows and doors can help. There are also specific herbs against evil or malicious intent. Though just like there are bad/evil humans there are good demons though they’re very rare and hard to find.

  8. I experienced this last year. I had it twice. Everytime I wake up, I had this some sort of pain in my lower region and it kinda scare me.

  9. I’m writing a story about this demon and it gave me some info.. I wonder if the stories on here told by people are real. But who knows, this site gave me some good info

    • Well if you want to know the truth they just want to feed off your life energy force don’t let them lie to you they all hate humans

  10. Before you go to bed, just pray for the blood of Jesus Christ and it’s already don’t be scared coz he’s always by our side.

  11. This is true I never knew such names was given until now. Now I’m afraid. This has been happening to me as s young teen. Oh I have some things I can tell y’all. Oh my God.

  12. If u could help me PLEASE I really feel that I,m loosing my mind. I truly believe now that I screwd up my own sex life! About 10 years ago when I was about to have sex with my wife, it was dark with only the moon shining in the window, we both knew , I,ve only heard him but my wife has seen the figure of a man dressed in brown watching her, never has bothered us during sex and up until about a year ago I knew nothing about male and female sex deacons I was hoping too add a little something to our occasion, I leaned back and said something like, if there,s a male spirit that would like too use my body to help me have better sex with my wife please enter my body now! I didn,t feel anything at the time, but about a week later I looked over at my wife ,we both sleep nude and the full moon was shining only on her from her navel just past her bush and her body movement was like she had someone penetrating her. It started to turn me on, but the next thing I know it,s morning. I swear I wasn’t, sleeping TELL ME THAT I,M NUTS. PLEASE

  13. I have two male demons(Alpha Thetan reptilians) visiting me. They are called Bastek and Basmet. Basmet is also called Baphomet, and has ram horns and two-toed clawed feet . he has 3-4 clawed fingers on each hand. His tail is long and prominent. His skin is black and scaly. He has a wide mouth with many sharp teeth. His eyes are white with small slim black-grey dots for slits. He has two small nostrils below his eyes.
    Bastek looks similar but with spikes on his head.
    Both of them have deep dark voices.
    They are always visiting by night and in my bedroom. I have had sex with one of them(or both, but in this case I don’nt remember if it was with both or not). The one I had sex with at least three times was Basmet. He is so good at sex! And he is a real seducer!
    The sex was very intense, and I even had a conversation with Basmet after each time. The conversations were about ; 1.) What I thought about having sex with him, and I answered; – It was special.
    2.) that I thought that both Basmet and Bastek were(and are) very handsome; They have very muscular bodies, with smooth reptilian skin. They answered; – we are onored to hear that.
    Despite that Bastek and Basmet also gives me nightmares, I still think of them as handsome reptile-men.
    Basmet and Bastek often use growls (and words too) to communicate. Basmet growled of exaggeration,and lust when I had sex with him. So growlings can be positive too.

    If you want to know more about Alpha Thetan-reptilians/Alpha Thetans – visit the website
    I will return with writing when I can.

  14. I have a demon that visits me while I sleep, feels like he can carry me and throw me around while having intercourse. It’s been happening for years, but I’m not scared of him. He’s been with me for so long since I was 11…and I’m 29 now. But he means no harm, so far.

  15. I found this article because I’m trying to find out what a particular man is that’s recently entered my life. He’s most definitely not completely human. I’m completely enamored by him and that’s very unlike me. What’s more is that my husband is fine with it. And believe me, that’s not like him either. He hungers for sex and blood, most usually at the same time. So I’m torn between vampire and incubus.

    • Well it doesn’t matter what you call it the reason it’s there is to feed off you your life energy and when it’s done it will need off your husband too if you have children then they are next in line

  16. Incubus is a demon that attaches to a human person, there is only one way to freedom. Jesus Christ died to set us free from the demonic world. You have to give your life to him and ask for his help.

    • Only through Jesus Christ and his holy blood we ask God the Father for the sword of the spirit to chop, chop, chop off his uage penis….. do the chopping action before bed……BUT you must belong to Jesus for it to work……

  17. My incubus name is Toby. I’m 15 and he said he has been with me for 7 years we want me to be his boyfriend idk what to do

    Someone help???

  18. I have an Incubi who I actually get along well with. Yeah, they are dangerous, but only when provoked. Mije does have a tendency to have sex with me while I am asleep, the only reason I know he was there was by my underwear being unusually wet in the morning(TMI I know) but he also has been around me for 7 years. He seems more like a boyfriend than a demon nowadays. Although I am engaged and happily in a relationship with the love of my life, he still visits… I have gypsy and wicca blood, so I can sense and see him easy. He even said in an almost unhearable voice that if i were to go to hell when I died I was his. Needless to say I’m not scared of these entities……

  19. My answer to your questions would be to, Pray to God, Repent and believe in Christ. If worse becomes worst then ask help from a Christian deliverance ministry. That’s all I can say.

  20. I have an incubus inside me , it sounds like one anyway. Unless this sleep disorder is real.
    What do you do to get rid of them? Am I evil too? How did I get this? I did go crazy with it all. Still there, it has been three years now.
    Nobody believed me, now I am on medication.
    They say they are aliens.


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