Mythology Scholarship

$1000 Mythology  Scholarship provides the information and stories of ancient gods, titans, heroes, angels and monsters, as well as mythical creatures and monsters. It collects the characters from Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Norse, Hindu and Japanese mythologies and folklore.

What you can expect:


  • Stories of Ancient Gods
  • Information related to Ancient Heroes
  • Read about Greek, Egyptian, Roman Characters
  • Hindu, Japanese Gods  offers the opportunity for all Students who want to apply for the scholarship by writing a 1000 words article about given Topics .


They can share their knowledge and expertise on Topics :-


  • Roman and Egyptian Gods
  • Stories of Ancient People
  • Different Culture Concepts
  • Mythical Creatures

If you think that you can make a substantial contribution to as a writer, this is the best time to send in your Article.


How to Qualify for the Scholarship

  • Eligible candidates must be a university or college student. You must be at least 18 years of age but if you are younger and think that you fit well into the writing position then parental consent is will be required.
  • Make sure to do your Research before Writing Article. Having knowledge on relevant topics is a plus.




Students need to submit a piece of article that makes them proud (up to 1000 words). This can be any type of submission including (but not limited to) Topics Given above or a decent content matching the theme of our website.


Submission Deadline


The scholarship is annual. The yearly deadline for submission is Apr 15th 2019. The winner will be contacted by End of December. The winner must reply within two weeks or a new winner will be selected. We are offering $1000 as a scholarship to a selected winner.

Please Note that we are not asking for any fee or payment details and the scholarship is Totally Free to Enter.


Final steps


Send in your application requirements to [email protected]  including few words which can describe yourself. To prevent any delays on your application, make sure that you provide the correct details.