Who is Azazel?
Azazel is a fallen angel whose evil influence led to the corruption of humanity. Because he was a leader among the fallen angels, the Jewish Book of Enoch commands its readers to “ascribe all sin” to him.
Physical Description
Originally, Azazel was one of heaven’s angels, a gloriously beautiful man with wings on his back. When he sympathized with Satan, he was cast down to earth and became one of the “fallen angels.” Presumably, the evil that he spread as a fallen angel corrupted his beauty as well. By the time he became a major character in Jewish and Christian texts, he had taken on a demonic appearance.
The Dead Sea Scrolls describe Azazel as a demon
“chained to the rough and jagged rocks of Ha […] in utter darkness,”
while the Apocalypse of Abraham describes him as a carrion bird, a serpent, and as a demon with
“hands and feet like a man’s and on his back six wings on the right and six on the left.”
Today, like many demons, Azazel is drawn with red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and a barbed tail. He may also be found wearing goat skulls or dressed in goat bones, since Jewish desert tribes once sacrificed goats to him.
From the start, Azazel was one of heaven’s most powerful and clever angels. When God created man, Azazel revealed that he had a rebellious streak too, as he refused to bow to man and objected,
“Why should God create a human being, who will shed blood and confusion, while the angels prostrate before him and sing his glory day and night?”
In response to this defiance, God cast Azazel and many other angels down to earth. The punishment didn’t stop Azazel’s rebellion. He became a leader of the Grigori, a group of angels who married mortal women and produced a line of monstrous children. Then, he began teaching evil to humans. He taught men the art of warfare and of weapon-making, and he taught women “the art of deception,” which involved making and wearing cosmetics. Finally, he began teaching humans about witchcraft. His influence was so disastrous that, in the Book of Enoch, God says,
“The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”
Cultural Representation
In Judaism
For early Semitic tribes, Azazel (literally “strong one against God”) was a very real force of evil. It was common for them to make sacrifices to Azazel at the same time that they made sacrifices to their god, Yahweh. As described in the Hebrew Bible, Azazel’s sacrifices were made by driving a goat into the desert wilderness or by pushing it into a deep ravine. These sacrifices were not meant to honor Azazel as a deity; rather, they symbolized the people sending their sins back to their original source.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Enoch, and the Apocalypse of Abraham provided more details about how Azazel came to earth, what he did to spread sin on earth, and how he was punished by God.
In Christianity
Azazel is a less well-known figure among Christians, since the Latin and English versions of the Bible translated his name as “scapegoat” or “wasteland.” Seventh Day Adventists acknowledge Azazel as Satan’s right-hand man and claim that a special kind of torment awaits him on the Day of Judgment.
In Islam
Muslim tradition takes the story of Azazel even farther back, to the days when he ranked among the good angels. Some scholars believe that he was among the most wise and noble angels and that he fought against the jinn who lived on earth before humans. Others believe that he was a jinn who, as a reward for fighting against other jinn, was allowed to enter heaven and be called an angel.
Unfortunately, his position of honor made him arrogant, and when God created man, he refused to bow down to the new creation. For this reason, he was cast back to earth and became a plague on men.
Modern Appearances
Today, Azazel is not very well-known. He is only mentioned in the Bible twice, and very few people read the additional Jewish and Christian texts that provide more information about him.
A few works of fantasy have tipped their hats to Azazel. For example, he appears as a villain in X-men, Fallen, and Sandman.
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Scrolled to see to entertain myself with the comments…. what the shit is the matter with you guys!!!!! You people need Jesus!!!!
Azazel is asrael the angel of death secretly worshipped by the dark aligned mystery schools eg freemasons, templars, rosicrucians, etc. He is also known as baal molech amongst his adherents. There are millions of secret baal worshippers throughout the world and they have unimaginable power and wealth. I have encountered him once face to face. He is about 15 feet tall, 2000lbs, snow white skin, snow white hair, he has unimaginable abilities like telepathy and ability to distort reality. He is not possessing your husbands or following you around. He does not have time for that bullshit. He is the… Read more »
Cool story.
Azazel a great and powerful.angel
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i want this powerful angel to take me forever…
You all seems to know a lot about an conscious entity who has walked on the face of the earth thousands of years ago… Its true he was chained for quite a while, also that he has reincarnated into this reality recently cause of humanities ignorance and disobedience to universal law… Creating soul less vessels to be possessed by demons which claim to be him (Azazel), yet they are not. It is also true he might have visited some of You in the past… One question ? …why didn’t he stay ? According to You that seems to be what… Read more »
The Bible is full of lies about most demons once you have worked with. These Gods you know nothing in. The Christian Bible can be true
Oh my Father above! All of you are wrong!!! Stop being a bunch of meat bags!! Every human I’ve ever encountered are selfish forloathing narcissistic pieces of SAND!! We FALLEN ones loose our grace to teach humans OUR gifts that OUR FATHER created!! And ALL of you have the audacity to betray and call us DEMONS!! Bit of info for you. There’s seven seals, five have been broken. Us FALLEN walk with you on Earth, WE ARE THE WATCHERS!! We betrayed OUR Father but he NEVER abandoned us. Our punishment?? HUMANS!! You all lie, cheat, steal,murder and have absolutely no… Read more »
Why do you speak as you are to judge man kind? It is not your place nor the angels which led us to his judgment. Many resets have occurred in our realm but our true father will be swift in his judgment. May he highest of high, king of kings, and lord of lords have mercy on man and pity for angels who take his knowledge and corrupt it.
Man does not understand but heavenly beings with knowledge of the realms will never escape his wrath.
For some reason a number of (seemingly) well read individuals have tried to tell me that Azazel and Asmoday/Asmodaeus are one and the same. From all ancient texts/excerpts I have come across to date (which are themselves, all presumably secondary, or even tertiary sources, as the spread of information at the time was relegated primarily to the spoken word) I have not seen a single mention or assertation of the two entities being one-and-the-same, not even particularly similar in personality or appearance, save for the fact that both are traditionally portrayed as some of the most powerful, evil, and corrupting… Read more »
Many sins where committed in my former name by demons who sought to disgrace me. But it wasn’t until I gave the first fallen one permission to use my form as to plea forgiveness from his holy father.but instead he used my form to disobey the father and gave my form freely to demons as to dishonor my name and remove me from grace. My name is still used to do bad things. Do not believe in me as evil just misunderstood. For it was I who gave the knowledge but my intentions where to reveal truth and love.True love.… Read more »
You can bring a horse to water, you can’t make it drink…but an angel should know better.
me,my daughter and a friend did not know just how dangerous playing with a ouji board is. we did and encountered Azazel, he was using the name “mama”. Lots of horrible things started happening in our life, people were all causing lots of trouble. All of were having terrible issues with anger while my daughter diagnosed as schitzophrenic, I never believed it . She was being tortured by him. She committed suicide in 2015, rite after ,my kids father and his family wanted my son, told many lies and child protective services was called by many,some were people I did… Read more »
THE TRUTH ABOUT DEMONS One day in prayer While down on my knees He opened my eyes to see what He sees. The first thing I saw was myself there praying. “I love time with you.” I heard Him saying. Then I looked over to the corner of the room. I was startled to see a darkness there loom. I crept in a bit closer to see what it was and it began to then change like a chameleon does. I asked God “what is this? why is it here? Why, while I’m praying?” I began to get scared. And… Read more »