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What is a Succubus?

Smart, sexy, and potentially deadly, the Succubus is not a demon to be underestimated. She is a powerful seductress who loves nothing more than to toy with men, and although she might seem fun at first, you wouldn’t want to make her angry!


Physical Description

Today, the word “succubus” conjures up voluptuous images—women with long wavy hair, silky skin, and flawless curves. They wear skimpy leather costumes, to flaunt their bodies, and they don’t try to hide the telltale signs of their demonic nature. Bat wings, barbed tails, curled horns, and glowing eyes are all common among modern Succubi.

But these she-demons weren’t always so glamorous. From the dawn of their legend well through the medieval ages, Succubi were considered hideous, deformed creatures. They were somewhat smaller than average people, and they stooped and crawled instead of walking upright. Their feet were like raptors, their faces like gargoyles, and their fingers tipped in ragged claws.


Again, there is a distinct difference between today’s Succubi and the Succubi of ancient legend.

The she-demons of today have intense charisma and seductive power to match their good looks. They are clever creatures who can tantalize men with their words as much as their bodies. They can be domineering and vengeful if they are slighted, but they ultimately take pride in their ability to please (and manipulate) men.

The ancestors of today’s Succubi, on the other hand, had personalities as nasty as their looks. They were sneaky, controlling, and malicious. Despite being sex-crazed, they had no interest in pleasing men. Instead, they used sex for their own purposes—to please themselves, to corrupt the pious, to gain life force, or even to have children!

Related Creatures


It’s impossible to discuss the Succubus without mentioning her partner-in-crime, the Incubus. The Incubus is a male sex demon, said to attack women during the night. Since demons cannot reproduce on their own, the Succubi and Incubi work together to produce offspring. Succubi collect semen from their trysts with men, then pass the semen off to Incubi, who use it to impregnate women. When the child (called a “cambion”) is born, it will have demonic characteristics, thanks to the touch of the Succubus and Incubus.

Clearly, these two sex-demons have many similarities and a close working relationship, but some scholars have suggested an even deeper connection: Succubi and Incubi are, in fact, the same creature. They are able to shift between female and male forms, according to their sexual partners.


Perhaps the most famous seductress of all time, Lilith is known as the mother of all Succubi. She appears in Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Judaic, and Christian mythology.

Lilith (called “lilitu”) first appeared in Sumerian culture as a goddess of fertility and witchcraft. Later, the Assyrians and Babylonians associated her with dark demons. The Greeks gave Lilith (called “lamia”) an extensive backstory. She was a beautiful woman who Hera transformed into a monster, after her beauty attracted Zeus’s roving eye. In her new monstrous form, Lamia roamed the world, seducing men and eating babies.

Judeo-Christian mythology also put their own spin on Lilith’s legend. They described her as Adam’s first wife, created at the same time as him. Unlike Eve, Lilith was no meek partner. She refused to honor Adam as her leader. Instead, she went off exploring on her own and discovered the Red Sea, where hordes of demons lived. The rebellious woman found that she liked the demons more than Adam, so she mated with them and began “bearing lilim at the rate of more than one hundred per day.” These “lilim” went out into the world as demons, some of them as sexy and independent as their mother. These became the Succubi.

Cultural Representation


Female sex-demons have been around since the dawn of folklore. They can be found in cultures all over the world; India has the “yakshini,” Arabia has the “qarinha,” Native Americans have the “deer woman,” China has the “mogwai,” and Greece has “Lamia.” It’s impossible to know which of these legends came first. Most likely, they all evolved separately around the same time.

The word “succubus” (a combination of Latin words meaning “to lie down”) first appears in Medieval English. By the late fifteenth century, these she-demons were well known and often discussed by theologians, who tried to explain their origin, their ability to reproduce, etc.

Later, Succubi popped up in witch hunts; women who “tried to seduce” men were accused of being Succubi in disguise, while women who became pregnant outside of wedlock were accused of consorting with Incubi.

During the Renaissance and Romantic period, interest in grotesque, subversive female demons declined. Instead, artists shifted their attention to the Greece’s Lamia, who was both beautiful and unfairly cursed. It wasn’t until the rise of Gothic literature that Succubi began to reclaim the spotlight—but they were still changed from their original form, being more beautiful and intelligent.

Modern Appearances

Succubi still have a place in fantasy and science fiction. They have appeared in the works of Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, Jonathon Stroud, and Stephanie Meyer.

Not surprisingly, the Succubus shoes up even more in visual genres, like comic books and video games, where her hot body and strappy leather costumes can attract lots of attention.


From a psychological/political perspective, the legend of the Succubus is fairly straight-forward. In a patriarchal world, men were intimidated by women who took control of their own lives and their own sexuality, so they demonized any type of “rebellious” behavior.

There might also be a biological explanation. Sixty percent of the total human population suffers from sleep paralysis, a sporadic condition that causes the brain to regain consciousness before the body does. During an episode of sleep paralysis, people suffer from hallucinations involving all five senses and an extreme sense of terror. These symptoms could easily be mistaken for a demonic visitation!


  1. I was visited by a succubus in real life. There are true…it is not a myth. I have seen one. We are in a spiritual battle…let there be no mistake about it.

  2. I’m really confused. I feel like im drained from energy and every night I keep dreaming of two demons a woman and a man however I can’t see their faces well other demons appear but it’s rare.
    I woke up always tired but I never dream of sexual activity. I wonder what kind of demons they are.

  3. As a soldier the best tactic I can think of to conquer a group is to offer confusion. You don’t even have to lift a weapon to win that battle. They will argue, fight and either turn from each other or kill each other. Neo-Paganism is the biggest load of rot. Too many fantasy novels and video games for you lot. Pagan is every single religion that isn’t christian and even some of the christian faiths. To use the term ‘Modern Paganism’ is to show a complete lack of lucidity and understanding of what you’re talking about. There is God and there is everything else. Demons are real, in whatever form they are. Spirits, ghosts, nasties in the night are all real. It’s all real. But the only way to survive is to trust in God and realise that we are all going fail unless you put yourself at his mercy.

  4. Don’t let this religious bullshit fool you
    Modern pagans know that spirits of the night are guardians and the ones that follow you through life (at least) one of them is a “succubus” ie: a wet-dream spirit that can also enter into your dreams to save your life if necessary.
    Guardians are your truest friends in the spirit realm and according to Semitic legend are often your ancestors too.
    Guardians, Ancestors, & nature spirits (like Seraphim/light-serpents, or will-o-the-wisps, faeries, etc) will tend to follow you in life. Gods are guides literally and they are as natural as the planets and stars and other aspects of nature. The source which many call Love lives in all. There are no “demons” except misguided souls.

    Love Light ONE

  5. Since Oct of 2017 I believe a Succubus has attached to me.
    She has gradually increase her presents around me. l feel her when l am awake. l have not dreamt of her.l have as yet been seduced by her but l feel it is very close. A strong detection is at night when l am lying in bed. She teases me. l have told my wife and fear for her safety. Most of the time the feelings start in the feet and work up to the waist. Twice now she has gone directly to my groin area but because l was in bed with my wife (who was sleeping) l got out of bed and stopped the accounter The last time if was on my back and a breeze went 3 times across my waist and the feelings were extra intense. l want to experience it but fear it

    • You need to demand the negative spirit to leave. Smudge your house and yourself with sage and tell it that it’s not welcome. Ask God to protect you and your family and to remove the bad spirit.

    • If you are scared of us just tell her to find one other. therefore please do not lead her on. If you do she will be more determined.

    • I too have encountered the same waist feelings as you have but I’m single and have encountered her presence as I’m awake & standing up.

  6. Yep most women are Succubus, they are jealous, conceded, envious and greedy. If you get too close the spell mostly doom for every man. They slander you and torment like parasites every way possible. A guy will lose his friends family money freedom and to escape some lose their life!. Be smart Go your own way. Mgtow

  7. If you have to ask, then you aren’t. But, at the same time please treat all partners as you would want to be treated. The “rush” is normal. A true deep live connection puts that in the dust. Hope that happens for you one day! Cheers.

  8. Do succubi always know from birth what they are??? I have always loved the way I feel when I get “intimate” with someone but when I feel energized after making out with someone I always wondered why, are succubi real? Could I be one, or am I just addicted to the thrills?

    • A succubus is a woman in real life. You can identify if are a victim of her attack if detect the following symptoms:

      1.- Have an unnatural crazy sexual desire for that woman.
      2.-Feel constantly tired/angry when you are not with she.
      3.-You start experiencing some “bad luck”, and the girls is the only one giving you support, in part because she is the only one in your life, because you have made some distance with your friends/family just to be with her.
      4.- Then everyone realices that your behaviour is changing and you look bad (lose weight), and you look terrible but feel unnatural and weird hapiness
      5.-You realize that something is not going good with that girl, you start thinking in cut every links to her, but you simply can’t. This thinking usually comes when the Succubus is not with you, but one you see her immediatelly change up your mind, because your sexual desire for her turns you mindless.

      Then you go into a loop and you can not liberate from the succubus until you are dead /or the succubus trashes you because she has founded a better source of sexual energy


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